Posted on Aug 12

ASP.NET: Overview, Importance, Guide and Opportunities

What is ASP.NET?

ASP.NET is an open-source web framework, created by Microsoft, for building modern web apps and services with .NET.

ASP.NET is cross-platform and runs on Linux, Windows, macOS, and Docker. It allows developers to build dynamic web pages, services, and applications by utilizing languages like C#.

ASP.NET provides a rich set of tools and libraries, making it easier to develop and deploy feature-rich web applications. It supports various programming models, including Web Forms, MVC (Model-View-Controller), and Web API.

Components of ASP.NET

There are several components of ASP.NET:

Language: Languages help in the creation of web applications. Some languages that ASP.NET uses for development are VB.NET and C#.

Library: There are different types of libraries with all the components to help developers create applications.

Common Language Runtime: It is a platform that helps to execute the .NET programs. It is used for running key activities such as exception handling and garbage collection.

Editors and tools: Its programs include multiple editors and tools that are compatible across various operating systems.

Benefits of ASP.NET

1. ASP.NET is beneficial for web developers because of its high speed, low cost, and vast language support. The platform also requires minimal setup and configuration, with developers being able to download the platform in as little as five minutes with no prerequisites.
Websites and web applications built in the framework tend to be faster and more efficient than sites and apps built with PHP and other frameworks.

2. ASP.NET compiles code and turns it into object code, which allows for faster execution than interpreted code. When someone uses an interpreted code like PHP, that person may have to execute the file before they can find and fix any errors. With ASP.NET, errors are found during compilation, so programmers can quickly resolve any issues with their coding.

3  Robust and Secure Software Applications: It offers highly scalable and secure web applications that fiercely act against all vulnerabilities. You can quickly implement top-notch security features such as third-party authentication, Cross-site Request Forgery to prevent fraudulent attacks, and communication security for robust backends.

4. Scalable Web Applications: One of the most significant advantages of using ASP.NET is that you can build scalable and highly flexible web applications. You can scale a single web component instead of scaling all components. You can upscale the single server to meet new project requirements without changing the others. You can use URL rewrite to rewrite the incoming requests and their corresponding responses to meet your defined patterns. HTTP Caching makes it easier to control the rendered pages.

How to Get Started with ASP.NET

Install Visual Studio & ASP.NET Core
1. Install Visual Studio Community 2015 edition. You can create the application if you have installed the .NET Core or another framework.

2. Create the web application by tapping on the new project.
Use the "New Project Dialog" along the left pane. Tap on Web and then ASP.NET Core Web Application. Name the project.
Select the language for your application. Then select the platform you will develop the app on (Windows, macOS).

3. Add cloud hosting for the application. The main project will use the default template to get started. You can use F5 to debug and IIS Express to run your application. The address bar will reflect the localhost port# when you run the app. A debug mode is essential to launch an error-free app in the production environment.

When you launch the app, you will notice the default menu bar on the application. It comprises contact, login, about, and register by default.

Add the Controller
As the ASP.NET projects work using MVC architecture, we will begin by adding the controller to your application.
Go to Solution Explorer > Controller > Add > New Item > MVC Controller Class

Enter HelloWorldController as the name for this class. You will need to add the controller code to ensure that the controller receives and calls the requests. You must use the HTTP GET Method to identify the request URL information to pass on the apt messages.

The default URL routing logic used to invoke the controller classes and ensure their actions are not ignored is /[controller]/[actionname]/[parameters]
Ensure the app contains the URL segment when you run it so that it includes the routing classes.

Add the View: This is the client-side layer of the web application. It is an important part of building your application.

Modify the HelloWorldController Class to create the view for the app.

Use Razor view templates with C# and HTML to create the view. You can use the Index method to generate the HTML response.

Click on Views Folder, add a new folder and name it HelloWorld.
Tap on the MVC View page once you have created the view folder. Use the Index.cshtml in the name box. You can use the return View() method to render a response from the view template file.

Add the Model: Add the model to your project. This helps keep up with the data and manage it in the databases.

Click on the new project on the start page. Go to the ASP.NET Core Web Application page to create the model for your project.
Change the location of your model to meet your database management requirements.

Name the project similar to how you named the controller and view.
Ensure to add authentication as required for the particular application.

Once you have created the MVC architecture, you must interlink them for best routing. You must also plan to implement the SQL server and manage the data backend.

Careers in ASP.NET

There are several careers in ASP.NET, including:

Full stack developer: A full stack developer has extensive knowledge of front- and back-end languages, and ASP.NET allows you to use both. As a result, developers may rely on the framework to develop important aspects of a web application, from the server side to the client side.

Mobile app developer: A mobile app developer may use both .NET and ASP.NET to create their apps with C#. For instance, The Postage is one startup that relied heavily on ASP.NET features to deliver an intuitive platform their users could trust.

Web developer: Alongside other web development languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ASP.NET can be used by web developers to build interactive, user-friendly websites that support long-term business growth.

ASP.NET is a powerful backend web framework built on top of the .NET platform. It leverages the C# programming language and offers a rich set of tools and libraries for building web pages or designing data-driven web applications.

Remote Jobs for ASP.NET


Internet Software & Services Company

.Net Developer

Remote - REMOTE ANYJob PurposeGeneral coding, innovative design and unit testing of the various elem

Sep 12

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